General Rules Area
0G2: Capitalization and conversion of case--MN has (not great examples)
0G3.3: Hyphens (how to transcribe)--MN has a made-up example; anyone have a real one?
0G3.7: add source for example (Liz):
An epigram On Sir M---ke W---ls receiving three letters by the same post acquainting him with the death of his wife, mistress and favourite horse--Liz has
0G4.1: provide example in English of spacing within words and numbers, e.g. Matthew Lumb diary (Diane)--Diane has
0G4.2: example of spacing between words--Liz has
0G4.3: example of words run together due to variant spelling (Newhampshire etc.)
0G6.2: new example of supplied conjectural text?
0G8.2: need example supplying "et" or "und" or "and" for Tironian sign
0G9: example of transcribing a superscript or subscript--Liz has
Title and Statement of Responsibility Area
1B3, title area for legal or administrative documents: example with a jurisdiction; also, example with place of intellectual creation--One jurisdiction example, not great (MN)
1C1.1.2.1: provide Bible of Amiens example (Liz)--Liz has
1C1.2: more examples of ins and outs of title transcription--MN has a few, but it would be useful to have an example of a title in a different hand from the rest of the manuscript
1C2.3.2: example of (supplied) part information--Liz has
1C2.4.2. Abridgment of an alternative title: add example in English
1C2.6.1: example of Title proper from elsewhere in the manuscript or from accompanying material--MN has (not a great example, though)
1D1.4. Status of the manuscript within the creative process: need “draft” example--MN has
1E2.4. If the statement of responsibility is partially or wholly illegible … : need example
1E3: need example where SOR and title are transposed--MN has
1E4.2. If a respondent and praeses (i.e., moderator) are given for an academic disputation … : example--MN has an example from a printed medical diss.; need a ms. example
1E8: Qualifications in a SOR: need pseudonym example
Also in 1E8, see mysterious reference to info needed (in all caps) (Liz)--Liz has
1E12. Statements of responsibility with grammatically inseparable elements: need example--MN has, but it's a made-up example; anyone have a real one?
1E13.1. Phrases about notes, appendixes, etc.: example--MN has a made-up example; a real one would be better
1E13.2. If such information appears after the statement of responsibility … : example--MN has
1E13.3. Optionally, if the phrases are very lengthy and can be abridged without loss of essential information … : example
1E14. No formal statement of responsibility: need example with unknown creator--not sure this is necessary; if the creator is unknown and there's no formal SOR, what would an example illustrate?
1F2. Two or more works with formal titles, by the same person or body
1F2.2. By different persons or bodies: need examples following these patterns:
Title A / by X. Title B / by Y
Title A (unknown author). Title B / by Y
Title A / by X and Title B / by Y
1F4. One or more works not named on the title page or colophon: example of making a separate description for each separately titled work, linking the separate descriptions with “With” notes--MN has a made-up example; need a better one
Place and Date of Production Area
4B3. Place of production different from place of intellectual creation: example (with comment)
4C2. Manuscripts containing date(s) of production: need example of month/day and conjectural year
Also, last example: 1674 Padua diploma (Diane)--Diane has
4C2.2. If the date is grammatically inseparable from information transcribed as part of a formal title, according to one or more of the conditions enumerated in 1C2.1: need modern example
4C2.3. If the date of production differs from the date of intellectual creation: example (e.g. Liz--Keats copied by Woodhouse)
4C2.5.1. Julian/Old Style and Gregorian/New Style dates: need Old Style example with note making it clear that it appears on ms as Old Style
4C2.6. Dates in other calendar systems: need example from regnal date that is not England (e.g., a dynasty)
4C2.7. Dates that are illegible, ambiguous, indecipherable, or otherwise difficult to interpret
Physical Description Area
5E1.2. Optionally, give the physical description of accompanying material in parentheses following its name: need real examples
Notes Area
7A4.2. Quotations: need example with abbreviations or acronyms within quotation (0E2 refers people here)
Also, need quoted example with "[sic]" or other interpolation
7B2.2. Manuscript containing two or more works described together. Make a note transcribing the titles of, or describing, works that do not appear elsewhere in the description if considered important: need an example without lots of dashes in it
7B2.3. Manuscript containing two or more works described separately. Make a note indicating that the works are described separately: another example needed illustrating where within the object a separately cataloged item can be found (e.g. Inserted in pocket)
7B3.6: need modern example (Diane has 20th century one that she and Karen used for a class)
7B4.1. Source of formal title: example citing a reference source for title
7B5.1. Creator information: need example giving a source (i.e., for creator attribution)
Also, replace Bronte example with another example--Liz has
7B5.4. Statement of responsibility. Make a note to explain the statement of responsibility if the name or names are abbreviated, ambiguous, pseudonymous, fictitious, incorrect, written in a different hand, illegible, struck out, etc. … Also make a note if the statement of responsibility appears in the manuscript in a location other than the title page, colophon, or caption, or is taken from reference sources: example--MN has 1
7B9.2. Place of production: find real example either from Cook County or similar--Actually, our existing example seems to serve pretty well--MN
7B9.3.: need example with Old Style/New Style date--Diane has
7B9.3.2. Inclusive or bulk dates. If a manuscript was created over a period of time, and inclusive and/or bulk dates are recorded in the date element, record the date(s) of each volume, part, etc., in a note, if applicable … : example--MN has
7B9.3.3. Supplied date. Make a note providing the basis for a supplied date if considered important: need example for historical or life event (Diane suggested person ascending to office, e.g., Royal Navy)--MN has
7B9.3.4: look for an example of transcribed title page in a MS copy of a printed edition (Liz, Diane, Jenny)--Liz has, Diane has
7B10.4. Manuscripts that are partly or mostly blank. Make a note giving the extent details if the manuscript is being described as “mostly blank,” “partly blank,” etc.: more examples--MN has
7B12. Location of other portions of the manuscript. Need example like: location of missing volumes unknown (Diane suggested 19th cent. travel diaries)--Liz has
7B13.1. Originals. If the manuscript consists wholly or partially of a mechanical, photographic, or digital reproduction made after the original manuscript was produced, make a note describing the original item, if known … : need fuller examples
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