2009-07 part 2 ALA Annual Meeting Minutes


Bibliographic Standards Committee Manuscripts Working Group

ALA Annual Conference 2009

July 13-14, 2009

Palmer House Hilton


Monday, July 13, 1:30-5:30 p.m.


Present: Alison Bridger (Folger Shakespeare Library), Diane Ducharme (Yale University), Kate Moriarty (Saint Louis University, recorder), Jennifer Nelson (Robbins Collection, Law Library, UC Berkeley), Margaret Nichols (Cornell University, chair), Elizabeth O’Keefe (The Morgan Library). Guests: John Attig (Pennsylvania State University), Randal Brandt (Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley), Jennifer MacDonald (University of Delaware), Seanna Tsung (Library of Congress).


We continued the work on Area 5 that was started at the Friday, July 10 meeting.


5B. Extent


5B14. Single-sheet publications. Deleted as it does not apply to manuscripts.


5B15-5B.20. Manuscripts in More Than One Physical Unit


5B17. Pagination continuous. We will not record the total number of pages or leaves for multi-volume manuscripts.


5B19. Leaves and pages of plates. As in 5B9, we changed “leaves and pages of plates” to “laid-in materials in a” bound volume or multi-part manuscript.


We discussed recording support information in a note rather than the statement of extent. We may refer people to local practice in deciding whether or not to record support. We might also include recording the medium information in the note area.


5C. Illustration


The issue came up of how to treat a mixed medium item, such as a photo album with manuscript captions. We may suggest coordinating a pre-cataloging decision statement on this with DCRM(G) and DCRM(C) to help users decide which standard to use.


5C5. Works consisting entirely or chiefly of illustrations. We decided not to use the phrase “chiefly ill.”


We will have a specific rule for illustrations in Area 7. Area 5 rules will refer to that rule. We want to distinguish between a printed illustration (of which there are multiple copies) that is inserted vs. an illustration that is hand drawn. Is the illustration manuscript or a mechanical reproduction?


We would like to ask the DCRM(G) editors to review our illustration sections when it is complete. We may refer to DCRM(G) at the beginning of this section.


5D. Size and format


We were unable to resolve the issue of whether or not to require height x width measurements. The issue was moved to the Unresolved Issues page for further discussion. Should those measurements be necessary for a full-level record? Proposed: Minimal-level: no measurement necessary; Core-level: measurements required. (DACS has three levels of description: minimal, optimal, added value). This probably does not call for bifurcation as even some catalogers would only want to record height. See discussion under 5D in Unresolved Issues for further information.


5D3. Differing sizes. Pending a decision on the unresolved measuring issue, we might end up requiring measurement of both height and width for material of differing sizes.


Open Forum


The last half-hour of the meeting was reserved for comments and questions from guests. In answer to a question on recording the source of a manuscript title, DCRM(MSS) has made source of title optional. Recording that a title was devised by the cataloger is also optional. We would like to include somewhere in the title that the item is a manuscript. A second question regarded the place of creation. DCRM(MSS) does not use Area 4 (Publication, Distribution, Etc.) and says recording place of creation in the title is optional.


Other Discussion


Jenny will save our version 5 as a Word document in case anything happens to pbwiki. She will talk to Randy about the logistics of the document merge and style sheet.


We currently have each descriptive area on a different wiki page but when we present it to the BSC and others, it will be one document. LC and CC:DA do not need to see the document until close to the end. We want to bring it to BSC and SAA for discussion several times before the final product is ready. The plan is to present the intellectual framework of Area 1 (bifurcation, square brackets, date) at the BSC Midwinter 2010 meeting.



Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 8 a.m-12 p.m.


Present: Alison Bridger (Folger Shakespeare Library), Diane Ducharme (Yale University), Kate Moriarty (Saint Louis University, recorder), Jennifer Nelson (Robbins Collection, Law Library, UC Berkeley), Margaret Nichols (Cornell University, chair), Elizabeth O’Keefe (The Morgan Library). Guests: John Attig (Pennsylvania State University), Randal Brandt (Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley), Jennifer MacDonald (University of Delaware), Stephen Skuce (MIT).


5E. Accompanying material


We added accompanying material to the glossary in order to define it as it pertains to manuscripts.


We decided that we would like to retain the rule but will rewrite to either discourage its use or indicate that it will not be used often.


If we need to give historical context to rules we can judiciously use footnotes.


Semi-unresolved issue: we will probably put instructions on former and current bindings in a note, not in accompanying material.


Area 7


7A1.3. A note to ourselves: notes are used more often in manuscript description than book description.


7A4.2. Quotations. One of the few cases in which we will use square brackets is when giving interpolations to quotes in the note area.


7A4.3. Formal notes. Uncertain about this rule. We will keep it for now and revisit once we have written more of Area 7. Do we want to use labeling techniques or not?




We added the issue of “scope” note vs. “with” note to the Unresolved Issues page.


Language note. This is an unresolved issue. Do we want to require a language note? DACS requires it; APPM did not; it is a core element in RDA. Added to the Unresolved Issues page.


We may change the phrase “Make notes on the language and script” to “Make notes on the language and hand” as script means the alphabet/writing system.


Source of title note. We revisited the issue of recording the source of title and decided that we will always make a note on the source of a formal title; making a note on the source of a supplied title will be optional.


Other Discussion


Renaming Areas: At the BSC meeting Saturday morning there was discussion regarding being unable to rename an area in a DCRM module. We may not be able to rename Area 1 to include date. We will still include the date in that area and state early on that the date of creation is recorded there. We will run across the same problem with Area 2 – we may not be able to rename it, but we will be using it to mean version, not edition.


SAA: Diane will be presenting on DCRM(MSS) as a panelist at SAA in August and will also present to SAA’s Description Section.


Some institutions create both a finding aid and a MARC record for single items. How common is this?


Next Meeting


Everyone was pretty certain that they can continue to afford to meet outside of ALA in the near future. We will each email our availability dates to Alison to plan a fall meeting at the Folger. We are also planning to meet at the Folger in the spring.


Next Steps


We will add Stephen Skuce to the DCRM(MSS) mailing list.



Supplied title: Margaret & Liz

Formal title: Jenny & Diane

Other title information: will be addressed by each group

Statement of responsibility: Kate

Creator: goes with supplied title?

Date: Alison


We will have the section we plan to present to BSC ready by the beginning of November.