

Page history last edited by Jennifer Nelson 11 years, 10 months ago

Examples removed from Area 0 but possibly useful in other places:


Sketches from the uncivilized races of men [MN]


Last post, a novel [MN]


Propositions made by the Five Nations of Indians, viz. the Mohaques, Oneydes, Onnondages, Coyages & Sinnkes, to his Excellency Richard, Earl of Bellomont, Capt. General and Governour in chief of His Majesties Province of New-York, &c., in Albany, the 20th of July, anno Dom. 1698 [MN]


Rudyard Kipling, a memoir ; Kipling and his India / by Edmonia Hill


Titles transcribed from formal title pages of two typewritten essays by Hill that are bound together


Statutes of the Guild of Butchers, Wormditt, Prussia


Supplied Devised title





1A5. Form and order of information [from version 6, 10/8/09 KSM]



Complot d'Arnold et de Henry Clinton contre les Etats Unis [MN, 4600 Bd. Ms. 100] 

Sketches from the uncivilized races of men [MN, 4600 Bd. Ms. 103+]  

Lazarus : Drama in 3 Handlungen [MN, 4600 Bd. Ms. 113++]  

The frolick's, or, The lawyer cheated : an new comedey, the first coppy [MN, 4600 Bd. Ms. 143] 

Voyage of the embassy of the Dutch East India Company to the Emperor of China in the years 1794 and 1795 [MN, 4600 Bd. Ms. 99+]  

Histoire de la famille Bonheur jusqu'au 1849 [MN]



1B3 Legal documents, with place of creation

David Becker indenture, Schoharie, New York, 1768


Formal Title vs. Supplied Title


Transcribed titles

Moses und die Propheten, oder, Die Pleitegeier in Teutschland

The Stone Age in Onondaga County, N.Y.

Album littéraire et artistique

A memorial of George Washington, engineer

Extracts from Tutchin's Observator and Heraclitus Ridens relating to the theatres and other places of public amusement in London

Traite abrege de la peinture, sculpture et architecture

A journall of the proceedings in the Parliament

A man could stand up—

Comment: Title page reads: A man could stand up ...

Ein wunderliche Geschycht newlich geschehen zu dem Hag in Holland, im Jar MDXXVII. den XX. Tag Novembris

A collection of curious & important questions in natural and revealed religion


Supplied titles


Comment: The examples in this section (so far) all seem to be instances where there is a perfectly legible title on the item, but it doesn't make it clear what the nature of the thing is, or it's cumbersome and indirect about telling us--MN


Folger MS X.d.585

On item:

A true and perfect inventorie of all the goodes and chattells moveable and unmoveable belonging to William Carr of Eshott Esquire late deceased, taken and priced by George Lytle, Ralph Foster, Thomas Carr and Robert Wanles the Eleventh of May 1643


Supplied title:

Inventory of William Car of Eshott, Esq., 1643 May 11


Cornell 4600 Bd. Ms. 317

On item:

In Christi nomine amen. Universis, & singulis praesens hoc publicum Doctoratus privilegia ...

Supplied title: Doctoral diploma for Bartholomaeus Cannetti Vicentini, 1745



Cornell + 4600 Bd. Ms. 355

On item (cover title): Sapienza

Supplied title: Compendium of Italian manuscripts, circa 1370-1530


Cornell 4600 Bd. Ms. 523

On item: 

Instructions pour les francs-maçons

Supplied title: Descriptions of Masonic rituals, 1700s?


Folger Y.d.809

On item:

No title

First line: I take no shame that still I sing the rose


Search of Google books comes up with a published version of poem with a title (An introduction to poetry

 By Jay Broadus Hubbell, John Owen Beaty)

Title: The Eternal Way


So the record would look like

245 14 The eternal way

246 3_ I take no shame that still I sing the rose

500   Untitled manuscript, title taken from An introduction to poetry by Jay B. Hubbell and John O. Beaty. New York, Macmillan Company, 1922 p. 459.

500   First line: I take no shame that still I sing the rose


Title with pre-modern or non-standard spelling


Cornell + 4600 Bd. Ms. 429

A remonstrance deliuered to His Maiestie in writinge, 1610 May 23 

Additional title tracing: Remonstrance delivered to His Majesty in writing


Cornell + Bd. Ms. 449

The Lord Privy Seale's answeare to his sonns letter, 1635

Additional title tracing: Lord Privy Seal's answer to his son's letter


Cornell 4600 Bd. Ms. 603

The Scoth house wife : containing the inward and outward virtues which is proper and pertinent to every good wife and mistres of a family, 1720

Additional title tracings: 

The Scotch housewife

The Scotch house wife


Cornell 4600 Bd. Ms. 625

Ein wunderliche Geschycht newlich geschehen zu dem Hag in Holland, im Jar MDXXVII. den XX. Tag Novembris : vo[n] einr Frawen geheissen Wendelmut Clausen Dochter einr Witwe die do vergrendt ist, 1800s.

Additional title tracing:  Wunderliche Geschichte neulich geschehen zu dem Haag in Holland



Cornell ++ 4600 Bd. Ms. 641

Manoscritto lvcchese del cinqvecento, 1531-1547

Additional title tracing: Manoscritto lucchese del cinquecento


Propositions made by the Five Nations of Indians, viz. the Mohaques, Oneydes, Onnondages, Coyages & Sinnkes, to his Excellency Richard, Earl of Bellomont, Capt. General and Governour in chief of His Majesties Province of New-York, &c., in Albany, the 20th of July, anno Dom. 1698

Comment: Manuscript copy dating from the 1800s

Traite abrege de la peinture, sculpture et architecture : avec les vies abregees des anciens peintres et leurs portraits illumines


1C1.2.4.1, under “When transcription is not appropriate”:

Statutes of the Guild of Butchers, Wormditt, Prussia [CUL 4600 Bd. Ms. 230—MN to check]

Shaw and music

Note: Cover title: George Bernard Shaw as musician, original compositions, 1885. A loose note from Bernard Burgunder says this title is outrageous because he has copied Wagner, and puts the date in the early 1880s.

New discovered poems of Ossian

Note: Poems written by Baron Edmund von Harold in imitation of Ossian. Harold admits his authorship in the preface, which is dated 1784. An inscription on the flyleaf reads: "This copy of Ossian was made for James Wadmore ... by one of his clerks about the year 1811."


1C2.6.1 Title proper from elsewhere in the manuscript or from accompanying material

General rule:


Optional note: Title from cover label.


1C3.2.2. If this other title information appears following the statement of responsibility, treat it as a subsequent statement of responsibility.

Seven log-books concerning the Arctic voyages of Captain William Scoresby, senior, of Whitby, England / issued in facsimile by the Explorers Club of New York ; with reproductions in color of portraits in oils of Captain William Scoresby, senior, and of Captain William Scoresby, junior ...


1E13. Statements of responsibility with grammatically inseparable elements

Arte de lengua mexicana : manuscript / compuesto por el R. P. Fr. Juan Guerra del Orden De Ntrô. P. S. Francisco ; traducido de un maltratado por inopia de Impresos, por Joseph Antonio Marquez, â expensas de Dn. Joseph Antonio Perez



1F2.1, Alternative rule:

Alchemical manuscripts




Made-up volume with no collective title


Supplied title for a made-up volume (i.e. a mishmash of manuscripts bound together):

Alchemical manuscripts, 1845 [Cornell 4600 Bd. Ms. 149]

Manuscript texts on the occult, 1600s [Cornell 4600 Bd. Ms. 207]


Illegible title


Bancroft BANC MSS 89/62 z Box 37 Folder 47 (John Clifford Mortimer papers)


Item is typical Mortimer, written in black ink, edited in red ink (all in his hand); with a title in red ink, utterly illegible by processing Archivist (myself, AEB), public services staff and Mortimer's secretary. 


Supplied title:

Jane Austen and New Labour


Q: This is a single item appearing in a F.A. currently with square brackets around it, which I think universally says that it is supplied, but would it be better suited to add a note that says illegible title. That way it differentiates it from something where there was no title and it was supplied? (AEB) That sounds like a good idea to me--MN


Partly illegible title


Cornell 4600 Bd. Ms. 549

Descendants of Thomas Green(e), sen. [?] of Malden, Massachusetts, & allied families, 1904.


Very lengthy title


Propositions made by the Five Nations of Indians, viz. the Mohaques, Oneydes, Onnondages, Coyages & Sinnkes, to his Excellency Richard, Earl of Bellomont, Capt. General and Governour in chief of His Majesties Province of New-York, &c., in Albany, the 20th of July, anno Dom. 1698 [Cornell 4600 Bd. Ms. 101]


Title with clarifying words supplied


 "America" manuscript, 1891 June 8 [Cornell + 4600 Bd. Ms. 229]

Summary: The words to the song "America" in Samuel Francis Smith's handwriting, signed by him and dated, "Written in 1832, June 8, 1891." Without the music. A single leaf encapsulated and bound.


 "Kipling, the end" scrapbook, 1893-1937 [Cornell + 4610 Bd. Ms. 4]

Summary: Made-up volume containing published stories and poems by Kipling and articles about him and his work. Spine title: Kipling, the end. ...


Course notes for Geschichte der deutschen Nationallitteratur, 1844 [Cornell + 4600 Bd. Ms. 407--I'm not sure this is the ideal way to handle this sort of case]

Summary: Manuscript notes by Friedrich Zarncke on lectures given by Adolf Wilbrandt in Rostock ...


No title on work, title from published version of work


Folger Y.d.809 (Poem)

On item:

No title

First line: I take no shame that still I sing the rose


Search of Google books comes up with a published version of poem with a title (An introduction to poetry

 By Jay Broadus Hubbell, John Owen Beaty)

Title: The Eternal Way


So the record would look like

245 14 The eternal way

246 3_ I take no shame that still I sing the rose

500   Untitled manuscript, title taken from An introduction to poetry by Jay B. Hubbell and John O. Beaty. New York, Macmillan Company, 1922 p. 459.

500   First line: I take no shame that still I sing the rose


Multiple title pages, no collective title


Cornell + 4610 Bd. Ms. 21

Rudyard Kipling, a memoir ; Kipling and his India 



Generic supplied title (creator's name inserted at beginning to make it distinctive)

(is this how we would suggest handling this kind of case?)


Cornell 4601 Bd. Ms. 14

Samuel J. May diary, 1860.


Cornell + 4601 Bd. Ms. 12

Lydia Maria Child memorial book for David Lee Child, 1824-1875.


Cornell ++ 4601 Bd. Ms. 22

Northern Freedmen's Relief Association account book, 1866-1869.


Cornell ++ 4601 Bd. Ms. 9

American Freedman's Union Commission minute book, 1866-1869.


Cornell 4609 Bd. Ms. 1

 James Joyce alphabetical notebook, circa 1904.




Cornell 4606 Bd. Ms. 6

Napoleon letter to Major General Berthier, 1809 April 8. (Is this how we'd do this?)



Miscellaneous examples



Sermon by Samuel Checkley delivered at Boston, 1744 Aug 5

 Optional note: Checkley was pastor of New South Church, Boston



Scrapbook relating to Benjamin Hazard Field

 Optional note: scrapbook is chiefly about the life of Field but was not assembled by him



Autograph notes from an unidentified book on agriculture 


Copy of petition from Elizabeth Brooke and her three sisters to Queen Elizabeth



Register of persons paying scot and lot in the parish of All Saints





Exact date known but not on item


Folger MS X.c.77


100 1  Winwood, Ralph, $c Sir, $d 1563?-1617.

245 10 Autograph letter signed from Sir Ralph Winwood, Newmarket, to Christiaan Huygens, Secretary to the Council of the United Provinces $h [manuscript], $f 1614 February 25.

545  Ralph Winwood held the post of English resident at The Hague from July 1603 until March 1614, although he returned to England in September 1613. He was replaced by Sir Henry Wotton.

5202 Letter of introduction for Sir Henry Wotton, ambassador extraordinary to The Hague.

500  Signed: Rodelphe Winwood; with seal on verso of address leaf intact. Addressed to: Monsieur Huyghens.

500  Dated: 25 de Febrier. Letter would have been one of Winwood's last acts as a diplomat.



Exact date on item


Cornell 4606 Bd. Ms. 8

 Arrêté du Parlement de Dijon, 4 mars 1771. 



Range of dates on item


Cornell ++ 4601 Bd. Ms. 9

American Freedman's Union Commission minute book, 1866-1869.



Incorrect date on item


Cornell 4606 Bd. Ms. 9

Souvenirs, anecdotes et pensées diverses, ou, Morale de l'histoire et des philosophes, 1770 [i.e., circa 1794-1795] (is there a better way to handle this without square brackets?)

From summary: Despite the date of 1770 on the title page, the volume must have been written after 1793, as it mentions the execution of Louis XVI.  


4C4.1. Supply a date based on any reliable information available. Indicate the basis for the date supplied in a note, if considered important.


, 1852?

Optional note: Manuscript based on the lectures Bertheau gave in Göttingen during the winter semester of 1851-1852.


, 1788?

Optional note: A verbatim manuscript copy of the report published in the Mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences, v. 99 (for the year 1786), Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1788, p. 132-200.


, 1811?

Optional note: An inscription on the flyleaf reads: "This copy of Ossian was made for James Wadmore ... by one of his clerks about the year 1811."


, before 1922.

Optional note: The Poodle Dog restaurant in San Francisco, California, opened in 1849, was destroyed in the earthquake and fire of 1906, and was re-opened on Eddy Street in mid-1906 by J.B. Pon and chef Calixte Lalanne. In 1908, the restaurant merged with two others and became the Bergez-Franks Old Poodle Dog until finally closing its doors in 1922.





Folger MS X.d.555


Bound item with 12 leaves with the last leaf being half cut away, as well as 4 leaves of different color and much smaller paper with a later hand on them sown in before each essay. How would we want to describe this?


12 leaves

Note: Top half of last leaf cut away. Also includes 4 leaves inserted before each essay.




16 leaves

Note: Top half of last leaf cut away. Leaves 1, 4, 11, 14 of smaller size, added at a later date.


5D2. Differing sizes

5D2.1. To indicate that the various parts of a manuscript differ in size, give the dimensions of the largest part, followed by the words “or smaller.” Record the size of each part in a note, if considered important. Optionally, use the term “various sizes.”


; 38 cm or smaller

Optional note: The two volumes are 33-38 cm in height.

; 30 cm or smaller

Optional note: Volumes range in size from 29-30 cm.


7A4.2, quotations:

"Let me regularly cut out all that is curious or pleasing from n.[ews]papers or magazines, & stick them with this book”--Back pastedown.

Comment: Bound manuscript of poems followed by newspaper clippings containing poems, anecdotes, and epigrams


"New York, 1777"--Title page.


7B4.4. Non-title information on the title page, colophon, or caption [correct this wording on the master!!!] Make a note transcribing or describing non-title information appearing on the title page, colophon, or caption.

According to a note at the head of page 1, the sermon was first preached on January 26, 1834, and again on July 5, 1846.


7B5.1 Creator information

Ferdinand Fullerton Weston and Ferdinand Fullarton Warton [both listed as authors of individual plays bound together in a single bound manuscript]  may have been the same person, but published different plays.


Manuscript consisting of aphorisms on the rules of conduct, attributed to Courtois (no first name given). It includes many political comments, including potentially incendiary republican sentiments, which may explain why the manuscript is unsigned.


7B5.3. Persons, families, or corporate bodies not named elsewhere in the description.

Some of the parts [in a selection of plays] were written out by J.E. Bell; others are unsigned


7B5.5. Provenance and custodial history.

Provenance: an inscription in A.D. White's hand on the front pastedown reads, "This sermon was given to Mr. McKim as a secesh relic by Maj. [?] General Hunter at Hilton Head, S.C., June 1862."


7B18. General notes

Numerals in the margin indicate pagination of the original.

Comment: The item in question is a modern manuscript copy of an earlier printed book


Examples without a home


Author            : Saint-Albin, A. R. C. de (Alexandre Rousselin de Corbeau), 1773-1847.

Title: Danton / par Rousselin de St. Albin.

Imprint: [Paris?, between 1794 and 1847]

Description:            5 v. : paper ; 36 x 23 cm.

Call No.            BANC MSS 2010/162



Loss of D-Natural: hand emended typescript, part photocopy, part original, undated


Life Anonymous / a play in two acts by N. Richard Nash: typescript, undated

       Note: Marked “R, Master Copy”; also Post-it marked “Life Anon H” and second title page marked “R, Work Copy”.


Example of incorrect place (Alison)

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