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DCRM(MSS) Area 1C (Statement of responsibility), Liz, Fall 2009 (version 6a)

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Saved by Elizabeth O'Keefe
on October 9, 2009 at 10:48:51 am

1C. Statements of responsibility


Record a statement of responsibility {LINK TO GLOSSARY DEFINITION} in this area  only when it appears on a formal title page or colophon. Do not treat a signature as a statement of responsibility. Do not supply a statement of responsibility for a manuscript lacking this element; instead, record creator information in the Note area and, optionally and for supplied titles only, in the title area. Treat as statements of responsibility only those statements that pertain to responsibility for the intellectual or artistic content of the manuscript; record statements pertaining to responsibility for the production of the physical object (e.g. copyists, secretaries, or scribes) in the Notes area.




Note: "Copied by George Courtenay for the sole use of his little amiable friend L. Gallini"--T.p.

[Morgan, MA 3429]


Title: Stories for Miss Cecilia Charlotte Esther Burney, aged five years :  autograph manuscript book,  [1793] / written by Sophia Burney

Note: "Printed by Frances Burney"--T.p.

(EOK: "printed" refers to the penmanship--printed, as opposed to cursive)





1C1.  Statements of responsibility on the title page or in the colophon



1C1.1  Transcribe statements of responsibility found on the title page or in the colophon in the form in which they appear.


An inventory of sundry effects the property of the late Rt. Honble. Lord Byron taken July 31st. 1824 :  manuscript copy of the inventory, 1824 / prepared by William Fletcher.

[Morgan, CORSAIR iD 122554)


1C1.2  If the name(s) of the person or persons in the statement of responsibility are abbreviated or unclear, make an explanatory note.


EXAMPLE NEEDED {Possible examples: names that appear as abbreviations or first names only; an example of juvenalia, where the author uses his or her family nickname; maiden names; commoner name of someone who was later raised to the peerage (or vice versa). 


Title: Medea :  a tragedy from the Greek, 179-?  / by a non-Togalus student who attended the private Greek class, Session MDCCXCV-VI

Note: By  Thomas Campbell.


Title: Charles Dickens at Home :autograph manuscript unsigned, ca. 1884 /  by his daughter.

Note: By his daughter Mamie Dickens.


IC1.3 If the statement of responsibility is written in a different hand from the rest of the manuscript, record this fact in a note.


1C2  Statements of responsibility on other sources


If a statement of responsibility appears on a source other than on the title page or colophon, record the statement and its source in a note.



Title: Rokeby : autograph manuscript signed, 18??? {MA 448}

Note: With a note on the flyleaf by Archibald Constable, dated Edinburgh, 18 Apr. 1821: "This is the original manuscript of Rokeby by Sir Walter Scott Bart.--the whole in his own handwriting--some few of the notes excepted which appear to have been copied by Henry Weber ..."


Title: Remarks on several parts of Italy in 1701] :manuscript copy,ca. 1705

Note: "Addison / Remarks on Italy"--Gilt tooled on spine.



Note: Authorship is ascribed to X in [NEED EXAMPLE using citation to reference source. Or do we? If it comes from a ref source, is it a statement of responsibility, or just is creator information?]


1C3. Transposition of statements of responsibility

If a statement of responsibility precedes the formal title in the source, transpose it to its required position unless it is a grammatically inseparable part of the title proper according to one or more of the conditions enumerated in 1B1.1.{check section number}  When transposing the statement of responsibility, do not use the mark of omission.

[Need new examples]


1C4. Single statements of responsibility with two or more names

1C4.1. Transcribe a single statement of responsibility as such whether the two or more persons or corporate bodies named in it perform the same function or different functions.

[Need new examples]


1C4.2. If a respondent and praeses are given for an academic disputation, treat both names and the words indicative of their function as part of a single statement of responsibility (unless grammatically inseparable from the title proper or other title information).

[Need new examples]


1C5. Omission of names in statements of responsibility

When a single statement of responsibility names more than one person or corporate body performing the same function or with the same degree of responsibility, transcribe all the names mentioned. Optionally, if the responsible persons or bodies named in a single statement are considered too numerous to list exhaustively, all after the third may be omitted. Indicate the omission by the mark of omission and supply “et al.” in square brackets.

[Need new examples]


1C6. Two or more statements of responsibility

If there are two or more statements of responsibility, transcribe them in the order indicated by their sequence on, or by the layout of, the title page or colophon. If the sequence and layout are ambiguous or insufficient to determine the order, transcribe the statements in the order that makes the most sense. [Question: How do we square instructions like this with the possibility that these rules will be used in creating a finding aid rather than a catalog record? MN--EOK: My assumption would be that since this data area isn't recognized by DACS or defined for EAD, they would just use the Notes area for recording Statements of responsibility]]



[Need new examples, could be author plus editor/commentator/translator]


1C7. Terms of address, etc., in statements of responsibility

Include titles and abbreviations of titles of nobility, address, honor, and distinction that appear with names in statements of responsibility.

[Need new examples]


/ par Mr. de Voltaire {Morgan, MA 491}


 1C8. Qualifications in statements of responsibility

Qualifications such as initials indicating membership in societies, academic degrees, and statements of positions held may be omitted from the statement of responsibility, using the mark of omission, unless:

the qualifications are necessary grammatically

or     the qualifications are necessary for identifying the person or are useful in establishing a context for the person’s activity (initials of religious orders, phrases, or adjectives denoting place names, etc.)

or     the statement of responsibility represents the author only by a pseudonym, a descriptive phrase, or nonalphabetic symbols.


1C9. Ambiguous statements of responsibility

If the relationship between the title of a work and the person(s) or body (bodies) named in the statement of responsibility is not clear,  make an explanatory note.


{EOK: DCRM-B offers two options: a note, or supplying an explanatory word in phrase in brackets, e.g.  De l'humour noir / [compilé par] André Breton. I favor just making the note, because interpolating an explanation of the role played by the named person makes sense in a world where statements of responsibility are the rule, not the exception, and where they are usually helpful and informative, because they are part of the packaging supplied by the publisher. But statements of responsibility appearing on mss could be very unclear--we don't want to get into having to clarify them within the transcription area) 



If considered important, make notes about expansions and explanations of statements of responsibility when needed for clarity (see 7B6)





1C10. Statements of responsibility in more than one language or script

1C10.1. If there are titles in more than one language or script, but only a single statement of responsibility, transcribe the statement of responsibility after all the title information.

[Need new example]

1C10.2. If there are both titles and statements of responsibility in more than one language or script, transcribe each statement of responsibility after the title proper, parallel title, or other title information to which it relates. If any of these titles lack a matching statement of responsibility, transcribe the information in the order indicated by the sequence on, or by the layout of, the title page.

[Are there any examples?] 

1C11. Nouns and noun phrases

1C11.1. Treat a noun or noun phrase occurring in conjunction with a statement of responsibility as other title information if it is indicative of the nature of the work.

Dr. Johann Faust : Volksschauspiel  / vom Plagwitzer Sommertheater [MN, 4600 Bd. Ms. 129]

The frolick's, or, The lawyer cheated : an new comedey, the first coppy / written by Ms. E.P. [4600 Bd. Ms. 143]


{EOK: as noted during our meeting, we are going to have a problem figuring out the order of the elements--does the SOR always come last or not? If yes, it is going to be confusing to have a 245 that is a mixture of pure transcription plus supplied words, such as "autograph manuscript" or "manuscript fragment", and have the supplied words precede the statement of responsibility. HMMM ...}


1C11.2. If the noun or noun phrase is indicative of the role of the person(s) or body (bodies) named in the statement of responsibility rather than of the nature of the work, treat it as part of the statement of responsibility.

[Need new examples]


1C11.3. In case of doubt, treat the noun or noun phrase as part of the statement of responsibility.


1C12. Persons or bodies not explicitly named in statements of responsibility

Transcribe a statement of responsibility as such even if no person or body is explicitly named in that statement. Such statements will generally contain words like “translated,” “edited,” “compiled,” etc.


[Need new example]


1C13. Statements of responsibility with grammatically inseparable elements

If the statement of responsibility includes information belonging to another area, and the information is grammatically inseparable from the statement of responsibility according to one or more of the conditions enumerated in 1B1.1, transcribe it as part of the statement of responsibility.

[Need new example]


1C14. Phrases about notes, appendixes, etc.


1C14.1. Transcribe phrases about notes, appendixes, and such accompanying matter in the order indicated by the sequence on the title page. If such information appears before the statement of responsibility, transcribe it as other title information (see 1C2.1).

[Need new example]

Chemische Erfahrungen bey meinem und andern Fabriken in Deutschland : nebst einem Anhang besonderer chemischer Geheimnisse / von J.A. Weber

Clarion call : with Franklin Phelps' criticisms / by Lunceford Yates


1C14.2. If such information appears after the statement of responsibility, transcribe it as a subsequent statement of responsibility, whether or not it names a person or body.

[Need new example - from galleys?]


High life below stairs : a farce / by James Townley ; with a variety of German notes explanatory of the idioms ... alluded to by John Christian Huttner

Some remarks on the Barrier Treaty, between Her Majesty and the States-General / by the author of The conduct of the allies ; to which are added the said Barrier-Treaty ; with the two separate articles ...

Monsieur Bossu's treatise of the epick poem ... / done into English from the French, with a new original preface upon the same subject, by W.J. ; to which are added An essay upon Satyr by Monsieur d'Acier ; and A treatise upon pastorals by Monsieur Fontanelle



1C14.3. Optionally, if the phrases are very lengthy and can be abridged without loss of essential information, omit less important words or phrases, using the mark of omission. If considered important, transcribe omitted phrases in a note. If the phrases are actually titles of other works given equal prominence with the title of the first work, see 1F.



1C15. Inaccurate or fictitious (?) statement of responsibility


Record the statement of responsibility as it appears on the item; indicate corrections in a note:

Title / by John Re

Note: Author's name is misspelled on title page.

Title / by John Roe

Note: The work is now believed to be by William Woe.


Title: Arthuriana, or, Odds & ends : being a miscellaneous collection of pieces in prose & verse / by Lord Charles A.F. Wellesley

Note: Charlotte Bronte used the pseudonym Lord Charles Wellesley for her early/juvenile works.


Title: Reminiscences of ten years’ chaos in Russia : [Piedmont, Northern Italy?] : typescript (carbon) /  by X.

NOTE: By an anonymous author, possibly a British diplomat.



If the inaccurate statement of responsibility is a later addition, also record this in a[nother?] note:


Title / by John Re

Note: Author's name is misspelled on title page.

Note: Statement of responsibility is in a later hand.


1C16  Statement of responsibility is present, but is struck out.


Record the statement of responsibility as it appears on the item; indicate the fact that it is struck out in a note:

Title / by John Re

Note: Author's name is struck out on title page.


1C17 Statement of responsibility is partially or wholly illegible


Record as much of the statement as is legible in the statement of responsibility area, and indicate lacunae with the marks of omission. Record in a note the fact that the statement of responsibility is partially or wholly illegible.

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